Title of the Project: Off to Camp Project 

Principal Investigator: Samuel Davis, AP Research Student, ELCO High School

Faculty Advisor: Amanda Templeton, AP Research Teacher, ELCO High School

This document begins the consent process in the participation of this research project. Below  is all the information that you will need to know in order to make an informed decision about  whether to participate. Please read every section carefully. At the end of the document, if you  agree to participate, please click the box as directed. 

   ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA:  All participants must be at least 18 years of age or have parental                                        consent to submit Content. 

What is the purpose of this study? 

This is a statement indicating that the study involves the collection of personal stories. The goal of this study is to promote America’s Hunting Heritage to Gen Z. All information being collected is important for hunting awareness and the preservation of this critical demographic. Participant's participation will generally be limited to the time it takes them to create their submission, except in cases where additional follow up information or continued conversation is requested by OCP. Participants will be asked to complete a form answering the prompted questions and submitting photos and/or videos that apply to the information they are sharing. 

Any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the subject 

Some questions may be very personal or upsetting. You can skip any questions you do not want to answer or stop the survey entirely. Online data may be hacked or intercepted: This is a risk you experience any time you provide information online. Use of a secure system to collect will be implemented. Note, however, all risk cannot be completely eliminated. 

Confidentiality of records 

Email addresses will remain confidential, all other information submitted including names, photos and stories are not considered confidential and may be published for public consumption. The following identifying information is required for participation in the research: Name and email address. This information  is necessary for organizational purposes and publication.

Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns about this research study? 

Samuel Davis 

180 ELCO Drive, Myerstown, PA 17067 


Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns about my rights as a research  participant? 

Mrs. Amanda Templeton

Eastern Lebanon County High School 

AP Capstone Instructor 

180 ELCO Drive, Myerstown, PA 17067

Voluntary Participation in the Study 

This is a statement that participation is voluntary, refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the participant is otherwise entitled, and the participant may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled.

Any benefits to the subject or to others that may reasonably be expected from the  research 

There are no immediate benefits to the participants.

Number of subjects involved in the study 

Any additional costs  

Costs: None 



Agreement to Participate 

If you meet the eligibility criteria above and would like to contribute to this study

Click the check box stating you have read and understand these terms. 

Scroll below to begin the survey. 

Remember, your participation is completely voluntary, and you are free to withdraw at any time.