How It All Started

The idea for the Off to Camp Project came during the 2023 rifle bear season. Founder, Samuel Davis, was at bear camp with his grandfather and like most grandfathers, he started to share stories of days gone by.

Standing in the mountains, hearing about his grandfather’s adventures as a young hunter, sparked Sam’s curiosity. Stories of a cabin so full hunters slept two in a bed and how there was no mountain these young hunters wouldn't climb made him realize that the future of this legacy, our legacy, rests in the hands of his generation. The future of stories like his grandfather’s depends on people like you.

The future of America’s hunting heritage depends on people like you.

Thus the Off to Camp Project was born. The idea sat on the back burner for a few months, until the opportunity came for Sam to write a speech. Unsurprisingly, that speech addressed the importance of preserving America’s hunting heritage, and fittingly, it was titled “Off to Camp”. 

From there the idea continued to grow, as another opportunity presented itself in the form of an A.P. Research Class. At the start of the 2024 school year, Sam found himself in the unique position to spend an entire year researching and developing a project surrounding a topic of his choosing. Capitalizing on the ability to use class time and resources to advocate and issues he is passionate about, the Off to Camp Project was launched. Beginning with several months of research on using social media to target Gen Z, current hunting participation trends and strategies to communicate effectively Sam developed a plan to turn his idea into a reality. 

Ultimately developing into a social media campaign dedicated to sharing hunting stories and traditions with a younger generation in an effort to preserve America’s hunting heritage.

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